Monday, December 22, 2008

My Treatment to Date

August/September 2008 : Pink
October 2008: Purple
November 2008: Silver
As you can see, things are progressing nicely. I added an elastic in November. That (green-arrowed) gap in between my canine and my gums appears to be totally normal. I forgot to ask about it at my last appointment, but because my ortho didn't mention it, I assume it's no big deal at all. Also, it doesn't hurt. My gums may not hurt but my teeth sure do, because my last appointment was Friday, the 19th. My ortho took pictures of my canine, which I guess is a good sign. He said that it was was moving a lot, but that it had a long way to go. I forgot to ask if I was supposed to keep my rubber band in, but I guess that's what "it has a long way to go" means, but he didn't specifically say, and I forgot to ask. Oh well! It's the holidays, everyone is in a flustered rush!

Speaking of flustered, I've been too busy/lazy to take and upload good pictures. Plus my teeth still hurt so I don't feel like smiling. But I am done with laced wires and powerchains for a while. But I do have a spring now, over my upper left (un-bracketed) bicuspid, so that my canine will get out of the way enough for my ortho to squeeze in a bracket. It might shift my midline more to the right, but it might not. I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

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jennitron said...
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