Monday, December 22, 2008

A Comic...

A comic I drew last quarter when I was taking MAT 220, Intermediate Statistics, the most satanic course ever devised and mortal enemy of psych majors everywhere...

Yes, my professor actually talked like that. He was hilarious. The only thing that made that class remotely tolerable was his strange sense of humor. I really thought that class was going to kill me. It felt like my GPA was being held hostage. Cuffed to a chair with a gun in its face. But somehow I pulled through!

So, why the random comic? I was inspired by Tessa's Braces, one seriously fantabulous blog that I've been following. I never knew drawing comics was so much fun! And while my cartooning skills in no way compare to those of the lovely and talented Tessa... making comics is WAY therapeutic. And it looks like this little break from studying was just what I needed, cuz... I passed the class! My GPA survived. As a matter of fact, I made deans list!

All that time I spent chillaxing in front of my mac, sifting through strip after strip of Tessa's Braces, must have done my psyche some good.

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