Tuesday, October 21, 2008

TOP 10 reasons why NOT to let your boyfriend pack your lunch...

10. You'll end up with a teaspoon of hummus and 10,000 tortilla chips- totally disproportionate!

9. He'll forget you're allergic to pineapple. (Hasn't happened yet but I'm just waiting!)

8. He'll forget to cut your sandwich in half.

7. He won't give you enough mayonnaise.

6. He won't snap the lid on your lunch box all the way and you'll get gooey lunchiness all over your backpack.

5. He'll leave a silly note on your napkin that says "Blah blah blah I love you, Piebaby" and you won't notice so you'll be walking around for the rest of the day with ink on your face.

4. He'll give you pumpkin pie and forget the fork.

3. Just kidding he never forgets the fork.

2. Actually he always gives me enough mayonnaise, too.

1. Okay, so he makes the best lunch a girl could ever ask for... The real reason for this post:

Isn't he adorable? I'm so lucky! Seriously, whose boyfriend wakes up while it's still dark to prepare them such a beautiful bento? I win.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Morning After... My First Adjustment!

I hurt beyond hurt. I haven't eaten anything since dinner last night. But all will be well! Worst case scenario I lose a few pounds. And that wouldn't be bad at ALL.

First adjustment and ALREADY a POWERCHAIN!

I've got "stops" on both molars to keep them from moving forward too much, and HUGE, super tight suspension cable cross ties on both my lower canines. and cheese and crackers do they hurt!

On my upper right (scary vampire) canine, I've got a purple power chain hooked to my second premolar, tugging the canine back. More cross-tie wires underneath, uber ouchie. The upper left canine doesn't hurt at all today, but all he has on him are a couple of wires.

And I've got a crazy crooked archwire underneath my vampire fang it looks like \___/ so that my canine won't hit the wire and stop moving (like it did last month). I'm so excited to see what happens this month.

Especially because my o-ties (and powerchain) are the most glorious purple ever. I feel sexy!